Some of the digital solutions and services we provide as per your need includes
We Develop Advanced Softwares For Your Company.
We Create Digital Ads With Animation And Graphics.
We Provide Coding Trainings For Interested Students And Individuals.
We Have Been Developing Web And Desktop Version Systems For Companies.
This System Manages Students Enrollment, Mark, Report Card Print, and Overall School Data.
This System has all-in-one feature including HR, CRM, Accounting, POS, Project Management and Budgeting.
This System Manages Students' Data Online, Students Can Check Their Results Online, Teachers Can Submit Students' Mark Online, Prints Term Roster, Prints Report Card, Prints Transcript, And Also Manages School Fees.
EasyFi Technologies, LLC. is a Tech Company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which have been in service since 2019 providing the most advanced Software Solutions for companies of various sector. In addition to Software Solutions, our company does digitalization of Offices, consults companies on Information Technology, and provides Coding Training for Highschool and College students. EasyFi also provides the cheapest WiFi services in the Country.
Are You A New Graduate Interested In Joining Our Ride?
Be Digital. Join The World Of Technology. Modernize Your Company Now.
Send RequestWe have been given positive and constractive feedbacks from all of our customers.
"Our school has become the number one choice for students who are interested in technology. And that's because of your services. Thank you EasyFi and its team."
"We are relieved from all the workloads we had with a modern software solution that is helping our company manage its operations digitally."
"We are the best place to visit if you are thinking about modernizing your company offices."
We Have A 24/7 Customer Service, You Can Call, Text, Or Email Us Anytime.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.